Retire Comfortably, Stay Comfortably Retired.
Our Mission is to help our clients retire comfortably and stay comfortably retired; to deliver peace of mind and help our clients and their families accomplish the reasons they were born.
At Impassioned Wealth Management, we believe that human nature draws most people into behavior that is harmful to their lifetime investment returns.
Unsuccessful investors that I have known or know of are disabled by human nature, they continually ask the question How can I earn the highest returns today? This is a logical question, but it misdirects. It brings a short-term focus of days/weeks/months. It leads down a path of confusion and financial misery. The bad investment behavior that follows this short-term focus negatively drives lifetime returns.
Excellent investors that I have known or know of have a long-term perspective. They look at the drawing and understand that in 10 years, the Days/Weeks/Months volatility on the left will look like ¼ of an inch of wiggles on the right (Decades).
The Problem
Our Solution
Our Wealth Management System is built on 5 Important Repeating Processes.
1 | Your Financial Goals
2 | Plan to Reach those Goals
3 | Portfolio That Fits The Plan
4 | Behavioral Investment Counseling That Drives Real Lifetime Returns
5 | Annual Review
Repeat to Build Measurable Results
The most important determinant in producing real lifetime returns comes from behavior.
People can pretend to have the secret formula, but no one can consistently predict when markets will peak or bottom out. At Impassioned Wealth Management, we believe it is crucial to assist our clients in responding prudently whether we are in times of euphoria near market tops or despair at market bottoms. Good behavior at these points protects long-term plans and bad behavior tears down even the best of plans.
Our clients periodically come to us with some version of "this time is different." This time... the government is irredeemably corrupt, inflation is going higher, taxes are going higher, the market will keep going lower, etc. They may want to sell everything and head for the hills. When we hear these phrases, our response is "this too shall pass,” because it will. We speak this countercultural investment truth because we want to help our clients accomplish the reasons they were born, retire comfortably, and stay comfortably retired. It won't happen if we are jumping in and out of the market, that does not work. It is why we are goal-focused and plan-driven. It is why assisting our clients with their investment behavior is a nonchoice choice, it is woven into everything we do.
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